Career Updates

Career Updates

Past two years, COVID-19 had been initiated the idea of pursuing a master’s degree. Instead of searching for a job, many were interested in a Master’s degree due to the Covid impact. But all the expenses like tuition Fee and travel expenses is making you think twice about pursuing the Master’s degree. A lot of questions arise in your head like Can I afford this? Do master’s worth it? Would it be better than doing the job? For these types of questions, you can able to get a clear idea by the following content.
  • Admission Update
  • Result Update
  • Study Update
  • Scholarship Update


Many students were thinking that Pursuing a Master’s degree would increase the chance to get a job. But, it is not the same in all cases. In America, nearly 9% of students were holding Master’s degree but it is the reason for the increase in Employability less than 3%. According to the salary- comparison site Payscale, there is only a 19% increase in salary by the Master’s degree. Many can’t afford their master’s degree and they would go for taking debt. Nearly 44% of students took loans according to one personal finance marketplace known as credible. According to research site, the average debt for a master’s degree holder is nearly $71,000.